Courage is a great thing to have. Not all of us come with the same dose of courage.
I love the lion on the Wizard of OZ. I think of him often when I'm going out on the limb and need a story to help me walk through to the other side of the situation whether it be a relationship matter, a goal I've set or a work related challenge.
There are many movies that can teach you a lot of great information. Good up lifting stories can help take you to places you need to go.
Instead of listening to the negative story your head is telling you, thinking of the plot of special movies can be almost as helpful as therapy.
Some therapists use movies to teach their clients. Jesus was a story teller.
I'm trying to rev up my courage to keep going with all the new projects I'm working on.
If you're trying to face a new challenge and need some courage try watching a movie that inspires you to get going. Maybe watching it every day for a bit. I do that sometimes.
Lunch and my inspirational movie!
Your fitness specialist
Lynn www.getrealfit.org
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